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Visual impression

Bankend Rig 3

The Proposed Development consists of 10 turbines, each with a capacity of approximately 6.8 MW. The turbines will have a maximum height to blade tip 250m with a maximum hub height of 172.5m (above ground level), and a rotor diameter of around 155m. The Site is located approximately 4.75 km to the north of Muirkirk, 8.75 km south-east of Darvel and approximately 3.35 km south of Dungavel.

What is happening next?


Wilson Renewables has now submitted a planning application under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) seeking consent for Bankend Rig 3 Wind Farm.

Any persons wishing to make formal representations should do so by contacting the ECU on their website, by email or by post, quoting the application reference ECU00004516. Full contact details are available


A full copy of the Section 36 Planning Application can be viewed here ( searching for the application reference ECU00004516


A copy of the Non-Technical Summary can be found here 

Document_2024-02-06_194234 (2).jpg

Visual Impressions

Board 4 – Figure 4.5 – Photowire 1.jpg
Turbine Locations

The proposed development is likely to include the following main components

• The 10 turbines (as described above) and gravity-base turbine foundations;
• A permanent meteorological mast;
• Hardstanding component laydown areas;
• Underground cables;
• New and upgraded access tracks;
• An onsite borrow pit;
• Temporary hardstanding for construction (i.e. crane pads);
• Temporary construction compounds; and
• Habitat management measures

Project Boundaries
Bankend 3 boundaries.jpg

The Proposed Development is located in an area of commercial forestry and open moorland. The Site is located approximately 4.75 km to the north of Muirkirk, 8.75 km south-east of Darvel and approximately 3.35 km south of Dungavel. Immediately to the west of the Site lies the operational Bankend Rig Wind Farm, commissioned in March 2013. The B743 public highway runs through the approximate site centre in a north-south alignment. The Site is bordered by commercial forestry to the north and west, and open moorland to the south and east.

Transport Route
Bankend transport route.jpg

There are no Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) manufacturers located within the UK, therefore, it is envisaged that WTG components will be brought into the UK from mainland Europe, likely to be via the King George V dock, Glasgow which caters for deep draft vessels.

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