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Visual impression


The Proposed Development consists of 5 turbines, each with a capacity of approximately 6.8 MW. The turbines will have a maximum height to blade tip 200m with a maximum hub height of 152.5 m (above ground level), and a rotor diameter of around 155m. The Site is located approximately 1.75 km east of Dungavel, approximately 3.75 km east of Drumclog and approximately 4.25 km south of Strathaven.

Visual Impressions

Turbine Locations

The proposed development is likely to include the following main components

• The 5 turbines (as described above) and gravity-base turbine foundations;
• A permanent meteorological mast;
• Hardstanding component laydown areas;
• Underground cables;
• New and upgraded access tracks;
• An onsite borrow pit;
• Temporary hardstanding for construction (i.e. crane pads);
• Temporary construction compounds; and
• Habitat management measures

Project Boundaries
Hawkwood boundaries.jpg

The Site is located on open moorland and the surrounding area is influenced by commercial forestry and existing wind farm activity. The Site is located approximately 1.75 km east of Dungavel, approximately 3.75 km east of Drumclog and approximately 4.25 km south of Strathaven. The public highway of the B743 is to the north west of the site. Immediately south and south west of the Site lies Dungavel Wind Farm, commissioned in August 2015, and immediately east of the Site lies Kype Muir & Kype Muir Extension Wind Farms. Kype Muir was commissioned in 2019. Kype Muir extension was commissioned in 2022. In regard to topography, the Site and surrounding area comprise a series of broadly rounded hills containing coniferous forest with upland grass rides, marshland, and landform associated with the numerous small water courses.

Transport Route
Hawkwood transport routes.jpg

There are no Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) manufacturers located within the UK, therefore, it is envisaged that WTG components will be brought into the UK from mainland Europe, likely to be via the King George V dock, Glasgow which caters for deep draft vessels.


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