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Bankend Rig 3 Wind Farm – Planning Application Lodged!


Wilson Renewables has now submitted a planning application under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit (ECU) seeking consent for Bankend Rig 3 Wind Farm.

Any persons wishing to make formal representations should do so by contacting the ECU on their website, by email or by post, quoting the application reference ECU00004516. Full contact details are available


A full copy of the Section 36 Planning Application can be viewed here ( searching for the application reference ECU00004516


A copy of the Non-Technical Summary can be found here. 

Community Events for Bankend Rig 3 and Hawkwood

Further Community Event for Hawkwood Wind Farm


As an experienced local developer, we appreciate the importance of engagement with key stakeholders and communities early in the consultation process and will be holding an in-person event to ensure we can fully brief the local community on the current proposals, gather feedback and answer any questions. We would like to invite interested parties to meet the project team, who will be holding detailed consultation events for both projects on the following dates:


  • Monday 30th September 2024, 4pm-7pm

  • Monday 21st October 2024, 4pm-7pm


 at   Strathaven Hotel

        Hamilton Road


        ML10 6SZ


In line with the Scottish Government's best practice, we are committed to offering a Community Benefit annual award of £5,000 per MW to the local communities for both proposed developments. For Hawkwood Wind Farm this would equate to £180,000.00 per annum. We are keen to meet with key local community councils and groups to look at how our Community Benefit Fund can be best used to the advantage of the local area.


We will use the feedback from the mentioned event to inform our emerging proposals and will include this information within our Pre-Application Consultation (PAC) report to be submitted to SLC with the associated application. At the time of submission, we will publish all feedback we have received and explain how we have responded to local views.


Please note that comments made to Wilsons Renewables are not representations to the consenting authority. An appropriate application will be made to SLC (Hawkwood) in the winter of 2024 and there will be an opportunity to make representations on the relevant planning application once submitted.









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